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DC視野:雙語互動:緣起清華園,Everything Starts Here

簡介水木清華 Quiz:Who wrote the couplet所以,真正的荷塘月色景點指的是當年自清先生溜達和得到靈感的地方:For the millions of the tourists nationwide or even world


今天先給您用英語敘述一些有關清華園的趣事,一是為方便互相學習切磋,藉此瞭解一下您現在的英語發揮程度,歡迎您在評論中或者在私信中,分享一下您對故事的理解, 當然也可以提出問題;二是方便您瞭解為什麼說緣起清華園和理解這其中百味,最重要的是請您瞭解《DC視野》用雙語分享融合美的初衷,積累和執著:

DC視野:雙語互動:緣起清華園,Everything Starts Here


Exactly one year before my first birthday, my parents gave me my birth in this place called 清華園 without my consent, perhaps for the sake of their living and working conveniences。

Since then it seemed I was in a maze for the first twenty some years of my life; and every step of the way, I was “trapped”in another smaller part of the 清華園……

DC視野:雙語互動:緣起清華園,Everything Starts Here


First it was a place called Tsinghua Affiliated Kindergarten,then there was Tsinghua Affiliated Elementary School, and after that was Tsinghua Affiliated Middle School …… and I am pretty sure by now you‘ve got the point。

That’s why there have been so much mixed feelings about this place, good or bad, past or future……

DC視野:雙語互動:緣起清華園,Everything Starts Here


曾幾何時,這裡成了免費的公園,排成長龍的大巴拉著來自各地的花朵們到此一遊;being a tour guide was pretty lucrative at the time and therefore almost everybody tried to be one。 and there were so many different versions of the “history” of this famous historical place。

DC視野:雙語互動:緣起清華園,Everything Starts Here

水木清華 where Ziqing Pavilion is

One of the most common confusion was that there are two 荷塘月色 around。 Numerous tourists thought the 水木清華 is 荷塘月色 because 自清先生和他的亭子都在那裡; while the true 荷塘月色 is where Mr。 Zhu wrote his famous prose 《荷塘月色》。

DC視野:雙語互動:緣起清華園,Everything Starts Here

水木清華 Quiz:Who wrote the couplet


For the millions of the tourists nationwide or even worldwide, their memories of the places are the snapshots of the moment;

DC視野:雙語互動:緣起清華園,Everything Starts Here


but for me, as one of the people living in the maze, 春夏秋冬,年復一年,日復一日,carrying the cameras when taking a walk in the morning or after dinner, recording every detail and every changes of every season from every angle whenever seeing something beautiful!

DC視野:雙語互動:緣起清華園,Everything Starts Here


Sometimes I wonder, 如果當初自清先生溜達的時候是冬天或者初春,what the prose would be like……

DC視野:雙語互動:緣起清華園,Everything Starts Here


也許是因為沿襲了這個環境誘發的這些愛好和習慣,幾十年來無論在世界哪裡,不管有多忙,用眼睛,用相機,用雙語,特別是用心來發現和分享美就成了生命的一部分; 所以說,緣起清華園,Everything starts here。

OK, enough of this 清華園business。 忽然想起有一天在荷塘漫步,身邊擦肩而過一位 pretty young lady,且發出天籟之音:老斯,介四未名湖不?





