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(今日推薦)海浪 The Waves

簡介The Waves海浪弗吉尼亞·伍爾芙 Virginia Woolf小說經典01《海浪》是英國女作家弗吉尼亞·伍爾芙1931年創作的長篇小說,作者以極具朦朧意味和象徵意味的筆觸描繪了六個人物:伯納德、內維爾、路易斯、蘇珊、珍妮和羅達從童稚到


(今日推薦)海浪 The Waves



弗吉尼亞·伍爾芙(Virginia Woolf,或譯弗吉尼亞·伍爾夫),1882年1月25日-1941年3月28日。英國女作家,被譽為二十世紀現代主義與女性主義的先鋒。兩次世界大戰期間,她是倫敦文學界的核心人物,同時也是布盧姆茨伯裡派(Bloomsbury Group)的成員之一。她一生著作頗多,深刻地影響著英國社會的發展。意識流小說是伍爾芙最具代表性的作品,雖然伍爾芙是一名意識流文學家,但是她對歐洲甚至是世界文壇的影響一直延續至今。最知名的小說包括《達洛維夫人》(Mrs。 Dalloway)、《到燈塔去》(To the Lighthouse)、《雅各的房間》(Jakob‘s Room)。

(今日推薦)海浪 The Waves

The Waves


弗吉尼亞·伍爾芙 Virginia Woolf





The Waves, first published in 1931, is Virginia Woolf’s most experimental novel。 It consists of soliloquies spoken by the book‘s six characters: Bernard, Susan, Rhoda, Neville, Jinny, and Louis。 Also important is Percival, the seventh character, though readers never hear him speak through his own voice。 The monologues that span the characters’ lives are broken up by nine brief third-person interludes detailing a coastal scene at varying stages in a day from sunrise to sunset。

As the six characters or “voices” alternately speak, Woolf explores concepts of individuality, self, and community。 Each character is distinct, yet together they compose a gestalt about a silent central consciousness。 Bernard is a story-teller, always seeking some elusive and apt phrase (some critics see Woolf‘s friend E。 M。 Forster as an inspiration); Louis is an outsider, who seeks acceptance and success (some critics see aspects of T。 S。 Eliot, whom Woolf knew well, in Louis); Neville (who may be partially based>The Waves, readers learn about him in detail as the other six characters repeatedly describe and reflect on him throughout the book。

Similar in style to another modernist work, James Joyce’s A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, the novel follows its six narrators from childhood through adulthood。 While Joyce‘s novel could be considered a Bildungsroman, Woolf’s novel is more concerned with the individual consciousness and the ways in which multiple consciousnesses can weave together。 The difficulty of assigning genre to this novel is complicated by the fact that The Waves blurs distinctions between prose and poetry, allowing the novel to flow between six not dissimilar interior monologues。 The book similarly breaks down boundaries between people, and Woolf herself wrote in her Diary that the six were not meant to be separate “characters” at all, but rather facets of consciousness illuminating a sense of continuity。 Even the name “novel” may not accurately describe the complex form of The Waves。 Woolf herself called it not a novel but a “playpoem。”

Marguerite Yourcenar translated The Waves over a 10-month period in 1937。 Of Woolf whom she met at that time in Bloomsbury, Yourcenar had this to say: “I do not believe I am committing an error, however, when I put Virginia Woolf among the four or five great virtuosos of the English language and among the rare contemporary novelists whose work stands some chance of lasting more than ten years。”

The 21st Century author and critic Becky Nordensten has described The Waves as a “beautiful novel with language and imagery unmatched in 20th Century English literature。”

(今日推薦)海浪 The Waves


弗吉尼亞 · 伍爾芙是二十世紀現代主義文學代表作家,其富有詩意的實驗小說《海浪》作品本身重點不在於敘事,也沒用傳統小說中佔據核心的主角,而是透過九篇分別以散文詩般開篇的引子記錄六個具有抽象化的人物交替進行的瞬間內心獨白,將人物從兒童,學生,青春,中年,老年等階段與引子中海邊天空的破曉,初陽,正午,黃昏,暮色等階段巧妙照應,並透過模糊體裁、分析人物心理創傷及獨白剖析、展示語言“能指”與“所指”關係,以及自我價值的追尋等方面,一一再現了現代人的困境。




(今日推薦)海浪 The Waves


