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“ride two horses at the same time”別理解成“同時騎兩匹馬”

簡介大家好,歡迎來的餅哥英語的頻道,今天我們分享一個非常有用且地道的表達——ride two horses at the same time,這個短語的含義不是指“同時騎兩匹馬”,其正確的含義是:ride two horses at the


大家好,歡迎來的餅哥英語的頻道,今天我們分享一個非常有用且地道的表達——ride two horses at the same time, 這個短語的含義不是指“同時騎兩匹馬”,其正確的含義是:

ride two horses at the same time 同時做兩件不能同時發生的事(通常指有矛盾的事)

The prime minister is clearly riding two horses at the same time—trying to fulfill his promises to the public to lower taxes, while also trying to find the money to help the country‘s struggling economy。


When I was a younger actor, I was constantly riding two horses at the same time, taking on as many roles as I could—even if they overlapped。


Above all, do not think you can ride two horses at the same time。 You are either in business or you are a minister。 You cannot be both。


In trying to be friends with both sides, Britain was attempting to ride two horses at once。


“ride two horses at the same time”別理解成“同時騎兩匹馬”
