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新概念英語第一冊Lesson 85閱讀練習題 (帶答案)

簡介2 Hasn‘t he just been to the cinema


Lesson 85 Paris in the spring 巴黎之春


1 Has Ken been at home all day?

2 Hasn‘t he just been to the cinema?

3 Has George ever seen the film ‘Paris in the Spring’?

4 When did George see the film?

5 Did he see it at the cinema?

6 Has George ever been to Paris?

7 Has Ken been to Paris?

8 What’s Paris like?

9 What time of year was Ken in Paris?

10 What was, the weather lik

e in April?

新概念英語第一冊Lesson 85閱讀練習題答案

Lesson 85 Paris in the spring 巴黎之春


1 No, he hasn‘t。

2 Yes, he has。

3 Yes, he has。

4 He saw it last year。

5 No, he didn’t。 He saw it on television。

6 No, he hasn‘t。

7 Yes, he has。

8 It’s a beautiful city。

9 He was there in April。

10 It was awful。 It rained all the time。
