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簡介15 兩個人在一起會有一種無法言喻的特別神聖的感覺










1。 Chances are you’ve met through a set of unusual circumstances that were totally unplanned and unexpected。


2。 There is a powerful, instantaneous feeling that you have known the other before。


3。 You felt an immediate and deep connection for one another。

3 你會即刻覺得你們兩人之間是有深切的聯絡的。

4。 There is an electrifying feeling between the two of you that words cannot describe。

4 你們兩人之間會有一種難以言喻的惺惺相惜。

5。 The relationship is immediate, as though no time had been lost since you were last together。

5 你們之間的關係立即恢復到前世在一起的狀態。

6。 It feels as though you had never really lived before the reunion occurred。

6 這感覺就彷彿在遇到彼此之前都沒有真正活過。

7。 You feel a deep sense of sacredness and unity with God that you’ve have never known before。

7 你從來沒有那麼強烈的感覺和上帝之間有一種神聖而凝聚的力量。

8。 It brings on feelings you never thought possible。

8 他帶給你一種難以置信的感覺。

9。 The two of you are inseparable。

9 一旦遇見,你們兩個就再也無法分離了。

10。 When you look into each other’s eyes, time and space have no meaning。

10 當你們注視著彼此的時候,時間和空間似乎已經不存在了。


11。 There are no barriers between the two of you。 The relationship is a totally open one。

11 你們之間很少會有分歧,兩個人相處的十分融洽。

12。 Your conversations seem to go on forever。

12 你們之間似乎有著永遠也說不完的話。

13。 The two of you have a strong urge to serve humanity in a deep and meaningful way。

13 你們有一種強烈的共識去追逐人生和生命的意義。

14。 You give to the other and never think of receiving in return。

14 你在為對方付出的時候從未想過要求回報。

15。 There is a special sacredness to your relationship that transcends anything you’ve ever experienced before。

15 兩個人在一起會有一種無法言喻的特別神聖的感覺。

16。 You still have karma with your twin from previous lives, but the two of you resolve it all with total forgiveness and unconditional love。

16 由於相遇之前的人生經驗你們仍舊會有矛盾產生,但是你們總是可以用諒解和無私的愛來解決。

17。 Neither one of you are dependent on the other for your sense of self。

17 你們誰也不依賴於另一方的意識而存在

18。 There is a strong sense of unlimitedness eternity to your feelings。

18 那是一種強烈的無法抑制的感覺

19。 Your feelings for each other are very spiritual。

19 你會在兩人之間感覺到一種精神的交流

20。 There are no restrictions within the relationship。 All is freedom without the need for ownership or control。

20 你們之間沒有任何制約,沒有佔有和強求,一切都是自由意願。

21。 The two of you know without doubt that you have been brought together for a reason。

21 你們兩個都堅定的認為你們的相遇是有原因的。

22。 You do not compete with one another nor do you pretend to be other than who you are。

22 你們之間不會相互比較,因為你們認為你們是一體的

23。 In spite of your sameness, there is no doubt you feel a sense of completion through the other。


24。 Trust, patience and acceptance of each other’s weaknesses happen automatically。

24 會自然而然的用信任,耐心,和包容去接納對方的缺點。

25。 There is a great sense of purpose and meaning to the relationship。


26。 Your sexuality with one another is a sacred act that celebrates the unconditional love you have for one another。

26 你們之間的性行為是在歡慶彼此無條件的愛著對方

27。 The two of you become more and more one, without losing your individual identities。

27 在堅持自己個性的同時,你們會變得越來越像彼此

28。 When you look into the other’s eyes, you see yourself。

28 當看到對方的時候就像看到自己一樣

29。 You experience a sense of completeness that is without comparison。

29 你會有一種相對比較完整的人生經歷

30。 The degree of intimacy and friendship the two of you develop is without parallel。

30 你們之間親密的感情程度發展是從來無法比擬的

31。 You recognize that the two of you are Godmates。

31 你們會意識到你們是上帝制訂的亞當和夏娃。

