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簡介The FDA just has a blanket rule that says any item it regulates needs to have an expiration date, bottled water is a reg

2h no sen是什麼意思

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Why is there an expiration date on bottled water?


【單詞】expiration [ek-spuh-‘rey-shuhn][eksp’ren] n。 終止;期滿;到期

【單詞】bottled 原型:bottle [‘bot-l][’btl] vt。 把 …… 裝入瓶內

The FDA requires every item that it regulates to have an expiration date of no more than 2 years from the date of production.


【專有名詞】FDA [‘ef-’dee-‘ey][efdi’e] abbr。 (美國的)食品及藥物管理局(= Food and Drug Administration)【語法】more than 形容詞或副詞比較級 + than,是“比……更……”的意思;例句:He is younger than me。 他比我(更)年輕。He runs faster than me。 他比我跑得(更)快。

【單詞】requires 原型:require [ri-‘kwahyuhr][r’kwa] v。 要求;需要;命令;規定

【單詞】item [‘ahy-tuhm][’atm] n。 一件商品(或物品)

【單詞】regulates 原型:regulate [‘reg-yuh-leyt][’reɡjulet] vt。 調整;校準;管理;控制

【單詞】production [pruh-‘duhk-shuhn][pr’dkn] n。 生產;產量;作品;成果;

Companies can put a longer expiration date on the item if they can prove that the product lasts longer than that, but doing so is expensive and the only companies that go through the process to do that produce frieze dried food that is intended to last for decades.


【語法】longer than 形容詞或副詞比較級 + than,是“比……更……”的意思;例句:He is younger than me。 他比我(更)年輕。He runs faster than me。 他比我跑得(更)快。

【短語】for decades,幾十年來;例句:“I hope to continue to do it for decades, ” she says。 “我希望自己能繼續為此奮鬥幾十年,”她說道。

【單詞】prove [proov][pruv] v。 證明;檢驗

【單詞】expensive [ik-‘spen-siv][k’spensv] adj。 昂貴的;高價的

【單詞】frieze [freez][friz] adj。 起絨毛的,帶狀的

【單詞】dried [drahyd][draid] adj。 弄乾了的 動詞dry的過去式和過去分詞。

【單詞】intended 原型:intend [in-‘tend][n’tend] vt。 想要;打算

【單詞】decades 原型:decade [‘dek-eyd][’deked] n。 十年

That's it.


The FDA just has a blanket rule that says any item it regulates needs to have an expiration date, bottled water is a regulated item, and there is no exception to that rule for bottled water.


【單詞】blanket [‘blang-kit][’blkt] adj。 包含所有的;適用於所有情形的

【單詞】rule [rool][rul] n。 規則;條例

【單詞】exception [ik-‘sep-shuhn][k’sepn] n。 例外;不合規則;反對;[律]異議


The plastic breaking down/cover your ass/whatever arguments that people have come up with to justify the expiration dates are just speculation from people who don't understand FDA labelling requirements.


【單詞】plastic [‘plas-tik][’plstk] n。 塑膠;塑膠製品

【單詞】break down 分解,降解

【單詞】arguments 原型:argument [‘ahr-gyuh-muhnt][’ɑɡjumnt] n。 辯論;論點;論據;爭論;理由

【單詞】justify [‘juhs-tuh-fahy][’dstfa] vt。 替 …… 辯護;證明 …… 正當

【單詞】speculation [spek-yuh-‘ley-shuhn][spekju’len] n。 推測

【單詞】labelling 原型 label [‘ley-buhl][’lb()l] v。 貼標籤於;把……歸類

【單詞】requirements 原型:requirement [ri-‘kwahyuhr-muhnt][r’kwamnt] n。 必要條件;要求

The plastic used to bottle the water will not break down or leach chemicals under normal conditions.


【單詞】leach [leech][lit] v。 過濾;萃取;溶解出

【單詞】chemicals 原型:chemical [‘kem-i-kuhl][’kemkl] adj。 化學的 n。 藥品;化學物質

【單詞】conditions 原型:condition [kuhn-‘dish-uhn][kn’dn] n。 條件;情況

If you store a plastic bottle of water under the types of extreme conditions that will cause the plastic to break down, the water will become undrinkable within a few weeks, not within a few years.


【單詞】store [stawr, stohr][st] vt。 儲存;貯藏;儲存

【單詞】extreme [ik-‘streem][k’strim] adj。 極度的;極端的

【單詞】undrinkable [n‘drkbl] adj。 不能喝的

Putting an expiration date on an item offers a company no legal protection if the item turns out to expire.


【單詞】Putting 原型:putt [puht][pt] vt。 放,放置

【單詞】protection [pruh-’tek-shuhn][pr‘tekn] n。 保護;防衛

Again, every similar argument has absolutely no basis.


【單詞】absolutely [ab-suh-’loot-lee][‘bslutli] adv。 完全地;絕對地

The only reason that bottled water has an expiration date is because the FDA has a blanket rule on expiration dates that covers it.



Properly stored, bottled water stays good essentially forever.


【單詞】Properly 原型:properly 副詞 [’prop-er][‘prpli] adv。 適當地;正確地;完全地

【單詞】essentially [’senli] adv。 本質上;本來

【單詞】forever [fawr-‘ev-er, fer-][fr’ev] adv。 永遠
